Sayfa yükleniyor

Çanakkale History

History of Çanakkale

History of Çanakkale 

The city which hosted many civilizations; had been inhabited by the natives who had lived on Biga Peninsula in the Last Chalcolithic Age believed to have started 6000 years ago. However, those natives are unknown. According to some excavations and research, the earliest settlements in the region were set up at Kumtepe. It is supposed that Troia was set up between 3500-3000 B.C. The real history of Çanakkale started with Troia. It was the brightest cultural center of its time during 3000-2000 B.C.

Later the Aiolions had settled on that important land in the 8th century B.C. they founded many trade colonies in the region called Eolia. The region went under the control of the Lydians in the 7th century B.C. and under control of the Persians in the 6th century B.C. Eolia went under the control of the Macedonians as Alexander the Great have defeated the Persians by the Kocabaş River of the region in the Granicos War on his way to Asia. The region went under the reign of the Pergamon Kingdom in the 2nd century B.C.

The western part of the Biga Peninsula where Troia was stiuated was called as Troas. Alexandria Troas that was one of the important settlements of the region, was a free trade port and a rich trade center in the Roman area.

Later in the 2nd century A.D., the region beared the attacks of Goths coming from Thrace. The Strait gained more strategic importance. The Gallipoli Peninsula beared the Huns attacks in 5th century and the Uighurs’ attacks in the mid 6th century. During the 7th and 8th centuries, in order to attack Costantinopolis (İstanbul) the Arabs passed the Strait a few times and came up to Sestos. In the beginning of the 14th century the Cathons became dominant in the Gallipoli part and Karesioğulları dominated the Anatolian Part. During the first half of that century Demirhan Bey from Aydınoğulları attempted to dominate the region. The Ottomans got hold of Gallipoli in 1367.